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Customer Portal
Restricted Customer Portal for your Workspace
Restricted Customer Portal for your Workspace

Learn how you can set up a Private customer portal for your exclusive users

Vaibhav Devpura avatar
Written by Vaibhav Devpura
Updated over a week ago

General Settings

Choose who will have access to the Portal

  • Public: Anyone can access the Portal

  • Private: Only users whose Segments, Domains, and Emails have been given access will be able to access the Portal.

Setting up a Private customer portal for your workspace

  • Step 1 - Invite users to the private portal on the customer portal settings page

  • Step 2 - Provide them with the Customer Board URL

  • Step 3 - Users will be prompted to log into the portal while navigating to the URL. Once they log in, they should be able to access the portal.

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