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Jira Integration Setup
Vaibhav Devpura avatar
Written by Vaibhav Devpura
Updated over a week ago


To set up the Jira <> integration, you need to first authenticate your Jira project in your workspace.

This can be done from Workspace Settings > Integrations > Jira > Connect


Authenticate your Jira Project with your workspace by entering the following details

  • Jira URL - This is the URL of your Jira project and is usually something like - https://{your_domain_name}

  • Username - This is your own Jira username

  • API Token - To generate an API token, refer to this document.

Features <> Board mapping

While setting up the Jira integration, you would need to map your features in the workspace to the same or different boards in Jira to enable the product managers to collaborate with different engineering PODs for developing products.

Status and Issue type mapping

Once the connected features in to your Jira Board, the mapping needs to be set up for -

  1. The Issue status in Jira with the Feature status in

  2. The Issue type in Jira with the Feature type in

  3. The Issue importance in Jira with the Feature importance in

  4. Issue custom fields in Jira with the feature custom fields in

Apart from just the integration with Jira, there are various places where this information is leveraged in the workspace. Some of them are:

  • Once the Jira ticket is mapped with a feature in Zeda, Jira Id will be available in the features list view across the feature.

  • fetches the epic and fix version along with the manual import and hourly sync, which can be used for fields for any feature on as well. These fields are available in the Details tab of a feature.

  • Tags defined in Jira are also imported and synced with the workspace feature created

The Status and Issue type mapping will enable you to pass on Stories, Bugs, and Tasks to Jira as per your team conventions.


While setting up your features in for the first time, you can import your backlog if it is present in your Jira board seamlessly for efficient backlog management.

  1. To import Jira tickets, you can just navigate to the features dashboard after the Jira authentication is done.

  2. Click on the "Add Feature" dropdown and select "Import features from Jira".

  3. Select the respective Jira project, select the mapping for status, type & importance fields, and click next.

  4. This method will enable you to import all or only the specific issues relevant to your backlog by providing a JQL. Feature <> Jira Issue sync

Once your JIRA board is connected with a project and you have saved the status, importance and type mapping, the sync between the features within your product and Jira board will start. This sync will ensure -

  • Any new feature created in your workspace, you can select and send to Jira to create a new Issue in the linked Jira board with details like title, description, creator name, attachments and labels

  • Any update on a linked Jira feature like changes to status, title, description, type, attachments and labels will automatically reflect on the linked feature in your product.

  • Any update on a feature in will update the linked Jira issue.

Please note that as of now, the sync between Jira and is hourly for every feature in your workspace.

Pausing or revoking Jira Integration

At times, you may want to pause or revoke your integration to prevent the information transfer between one or all products and the connected Jira boards.

  • To pause the sync for a specific product, navigate to Product > Features > Jira Integration > Pause integration

  • To pause the sync for all products in your workspace, navigate to Settings > Integrations > Jira > Revoke

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