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Feature analytics
Vaibhav Devpura avatar
Written by Vaibhav Devpura
Updated over a week ago

Feature analytics basically gives the data on various parameters including how the team is performing or a summary of features that are in the dashboard, etc.

This information helps the team to

  • Plan for the coming month and quarter in terms of prioritization

  • Plan with the development teams in terms of resource scoping

  • Retrospective of the sprint performance

  • Showing the urgent features will help to prioritize the features.

    Note: The data will be shown only for the planned features.

The details below show you how we can use each section and what value you will get from the analytics module.

Analytics at a Glance

We provide the breakdown of the features as per the end dates which helps with the planning and retrospective.

A summary of analytics would give you the overall progress of the features.

This section would help you to answer the below questions.

  • What is the completion rate out of the overall features?

  • What is the completion rate for the features which are planned for the current month?

  • What is the delivery performance for this month?

Completion rate

We provide the breakdown of the features in terms of the status across timelines.

The completion rate will help you to understand the rate of work done in terms of different time frames.
This will help you to prioritize and plan the roadmap.

This section would help you to answer the below questions.

  • What is the MOM/QOQ comparison in terms of completed features?

  • What is the leading indicator for the planning,

  • Is the effort estimation correct?


The breakdown graph will help you to understand how the different features are performing.

You can utilize the graph to understand progress in terms of various parameters.

This section would help you to answer the below questions.

  • What is the split based on the status, Product, assignee, or importance?

  • How is everyone performing on the team?

  • Is the team's bandwidth sufficient for the task assigned?

  • Which product features are lagging

  • Are the high-importance issues completed?

Strategy data points

The graph will give you the overall data point on the planned vs unplanned, Assigned vs unassigned, and mapped vs unmapped feedback.
You can check the health of the feature dashboard.

This section would help you to answer the below questions.

  • What is the number of features that don't have a duration added?

  • How many features are still in backlog and are not planned?

  • How many unassigned features are present in my dashboard?

  • How many features do not have feedback associated?

Need attention

This data point will help you understand the features which are lacking in progress and need attention.
This could be the one where the due date is approaching or the one where the due date is already passed.

This section would help you to answer the below questions.

  • List of features where the due date is approaching in a week but are not completed?

  • List of planned features which are not completed where the end date is already passed?


The list of features that are blocking the other features.

This can help you identify the major blockers and prioritize accordingly on your strategy.

This section would help you to answer the below question.

  • Features that have high dependencies on the other features?

  • Features that are major blockers to achieving the roadmap?

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